

Left libertarian on economics, philosophy, politics

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A Message to Viewers: A Lot Has Changed

So for all those who view my blog, you remember my content is being more pro libertarian and Austrian leaning economics wise. I will have to inform you all that a lot has changed since then. I am no longer politically invested as I use to be. Economics wise I see myself aligning more towards…

The Gentle Hand Behind Exchange: The Solutions With The Free Market

Libcom writer IvySyn discusses the problems she finds with freed market/free market thought and attempts to make a case against them for the exact reasons Kevin Carson states in her review of his book Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand. IvySyn starts out with a good summary of the freed market position The book makes…

NRx – Formula of Madness: Neo-Cameralism

For any readers who aren’t aware, the NRx, an abbreviation for the Neo Reactionary movement or The Dark Enlightenment, is a movement/project that is anti-egalitarian, anti-cosmopolitan, anti-democracy[1], etc. The Neo-Reactionaries get considerable influence from Hans Herman Hoppe and the Alt Right. The movement also proposes revamped pre modernist analyses and modes of organization. This post…

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